
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

As you think by James Allen, a must read book: and modern day newspaper

If you believe that you become what you think,

book by James Allen,

then you must ask yourselves this important question.

What am I thinking now,

Positive or negative thought

if negative,please stop that thought

and think of something really positive and uplifting

then look at the number of negative things you read in a newspaper then you can understand why people are unhappy

Hope this helps

Warm Regards


another one bites the dust! Road traffic accidents with SUV roll over with occupants, no seat belt, left with paralysis of legs

the first part of the title is from Queen and it is one of the all time great songs.

not nice to see the outcome of another accident with this title of the Queen Song.

not wearing seat belt is an offence in some countries.

seeing a patient who cannot move both legs, called paraplegia is not nice.

as the patient with inability to move both legs, will not recover the ability to walk most of the tims

and to know that this would have been prevented if one was wearing seat belt is even harder to swallow.

then to realize most of the people who travel in big vehicles such as bus and SUVs do not wear seat belts.

probably they feel happier not wearing seat belts, as the vehicle is big and they feel safe inside.

probably some of the vehicles such as bus do not have provision for seat belts

how can as a doctor explain that this irreverisble loss of use of both legs could have been prevented if they were wearing seat belt.

hence i am writing this blog, so that one is not in this situation ever in the first place

hope this helps

warm regards
