
Friday, June 10, 2011

"Time is our best gift to someone", use it in your life or lose it!!! . "Money and Time the Conundrum"

You work and spend your time to get money. One gets money to get the essentials in life and the comforts one can get. We also need money to gift someone you love. This can be in the form of food, clothes, education, assets as the gift to the someone you love. this can be your parent, child, wife and so on. But you spend time to get the money to gift that someone in any form as i detailed.

Then the time of yours is the gift to them and not the actual gift. The time is then the most precious part of all. Just like the time you invest in health as i explained in my previous blogs, you also invest in time to get the money which in turn is used for your loved ones. Then what you are actually giving your loved ones as the gift is your time.

Now if time of yours is the gift to someone, then even if that time does not yield in material benefits (with money and the associated gifts), it is still the gift. for example, you spend time with your loved ones, then it is your gift to them. in fact the loved ones with which you are spending the time are also gifting their time to you

This is something you can use in your work life as well. If you are able to give time at work to someone or something important then you are gifting your time. This is something you have to remember in a job you love doing where you are happy to gift your time for that job.

More importantly you should not be wasting your time in jobs you do not like or enjoy. When the people who do not do their job properly for example, are wasting their precious time in a job where they do not enjoy or like.

You also have to remember if someone is incompetent, or complascent in what they should be doing, then they are not only wasting their precious time of life but also your precious time of life if you are involved in the outcome of their job.

Which brings me to the concept of finite gift concept in everyone's life. Finite means that there is definite end point and it is measurable. Our life has a finite end point though we ourselves cannot measure it.

In other words, our life and the time you spend has a finite end point and that is all the gift we can give to anyone and ourselves. Hence one should choose how we would like to gift that precious time we have and not waste it.

Remember our time is finite and hence the gift of time we can give is precious. Remember the person who is receiving that gift should also be able to appreciate this and make them understand so.

I hope that you have got what i wanted to convey as Time is My Best Gift to you and not the actual gift. Now if someone moans that they did not get what they wanted from someone they love, make them understand this point. The time that individual spent to get that particular item is the gift

This is especially important if one is not well off to give an expensive gift but labours his time to get that gift

Back to the second part of title of the blog, "Use it or lose it". This is written for the good use of the time we have got and if we do not use it well, sorry it is too late, we have already lost it.

Now go on and use your time well and i shall try to do as well



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