
Friday, February 22, 2013

the Reinforced concrete of our body, the bone has fractured, what to do

When the Reinforced Concrete of a building breaks, you want to repair it. until then you protect the building by not putting any force.

This is exactly what you do when the bone fractures. You stop putting any force acting across it. meaning you rest the part which is fractured.

Put some ice fomentation, and keep the body part still with bandage or splint with piece of wood.

Repair, the bone does it itself.

But while it repairs, it puts the concrete in the fluid form which then sets like the concrete mixture of water, cement and the sand.

This process in building can take days to weeks and you wait by not putting the stress.

In the bone also, you have to rest the part by immobilizing in a plaster cast or by surgery.

The body then puts blood at the fractured site which then becomes the concrete mix called callus which is soft bone.

This will then change to the hardened concrete which is hard bone.

The plaster cast is not applied directly to the bone unlike the RC in a building. hence the patient will have pain during the initial setting phase with movements.

This is why the fracture treatment has progressed for pain relief and early return to function by surgery.

We will see this in my next blog

Warm Regards
