
Monday, September 24, 2012

A walk through India which you may not want to!

There is an interesting Web site called Walk through India, similar to my incredible India. It is indeed heartening to see India which is growing, bright and beautiful with such a vast area of natural and man made beauty. A Walk through India may sound appealing and inviting to you and it did for me as well until........

Basic rights of a citizen are widely listed for every country and i am not sure if walking peacefully or you might call a stroll in the morning or evening could be considered one. But my brother who is a doctor as well advises me not to go on the open and outdoors after 5 PM as me or my family may get bitten by one of those mosquitoes.........

These mosquitoes may be one of those which transmits Dengue, which is increasingly seen and diagnosed in the part of Tamil Nadu where I live, let us dwell in a bit more.

It is an endemic disease in some parts of the world. now when does this endemic become an epidemic, one can discuss separately. But it is even more worrying to know that there is no definite treatment for this condition.

The above link gives the salient facts about this condition and WHO feels that 40% of World population is prone to this deadly disease.

I hope WHO does not object to me posting their advice on prevention of this disease and let us all spread this and increase the awareness.

As Quoted by WHO in their web site
  • "preventing mosquitoes from accessing egg-laying habitats by environmental management and modification;
  • disposing of solid waste properly and removing artificial man-made habitats;
  • covering, emptying and cleaning of domestic water storage containers on a weekly basis;
  • applying appropriate insecticides to water storage outdoor containers;
  • using of personal household protection such as window screens, long-sleeved clothes, insecticide treated materials, coils and vaporizers;
  • improving community participation and mobilsation for sustained vector control;
  • applying insecticides as space spraying during outbreaks as one of the emergency vector control measures;
  • active monitoring and surveillance of vectors should be carried out to determine effectiveness of control interventions."
We do need more community participation on this disease and let us all spread the importance of prevention and if you find clean water collection as storage which is not covered. remember to call the authorities.

Please alert your corporation or Panchayat to take these preventive measures in their power and let us all do what we can

Warm Regards
