
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Heel pain prevention and Orthopaedic treatment.

Heel pain is common in India. It is as common as having back, knee and shoulder pain.

Often this is attributed to lack of flexibility in the foot, aggravated by walking on very hard floor.

Walking outdoors or in surfaces with variation in the terrain helps us to put all the joints of the foot to use.

Hard floor which may look nice and easier to maintain, limits the weight transmission to some aspects of the foot.

Heel then takes the brunt of our weight on to the hard floor.

What to do to avoid heel pain?

Wear any cheppal indoors when walking on hard floor

Keep doing some flexibility exercises.

Go to these links and do the exercises

More important spend some time walking on uneven surface on bare foot, may be go out for a walk in a pair of good trainer shoes.

Sometimes this pain can be refractory and you need to see an Ortho Surgeon.

We now have facilities to treat this pain with the proven treatment methods using injection or endoscopic methods.

I will write on endoscopic method of treatment in Orthopaedics in the future.

Warm Regards
