
Friday, February 22, 2013

RC of our body: bone, fracture, weakness and how to prevent

When the building breaks with the RC weakened with time or force, one has to repair it or reinforce it, or sometimes replace it

Bones also do break as the its RC can become weak with time or otherwise called age of the person. This is called Osteoporosis.

In some instances the building was not done with good standard RC, then the building collapses prematurely.

Bones also break when its RC is defective. This happens when the defect is in the collagen namely the steel. These happen in children when they break the bone repetitively and with unusually small falls or without any injury.

Bone break when the hydroxyapatite is not not good. as you know the hydroxyapatite is made of calcium and phosphate. this is commonly seen in Vitamin D deficiency.

How then to look after this side of the bone which breaks.

1.Please read my earlier blog on Sunshine vitamin which is Vitamin D. get at least half an hour of exposure of sunlight to your body.

Remember our old tradition of applying oil to our skin and our parents made us to stand in the sunlight on sundays, may be they knew the science behind this.

Eating vegetables is good for the calcium and milk and milk products for the vitamin and calcium

2. as your parent gets older, understand that they are prone for fractures. get them to walk at least half an hour to one hour of the day.

how does this help, please read the previous blog on RC

3. if your child breaks bones often , consult a paediatrician, but remember this is very rare. Often the fact is that your child is very active and falls often which is not a bad thing.

4. Vitamin C is important for the collagen, that is steel. Fresh fruits and juices give plenty of this vitamin and keep the bones healthy

5. Both young and old, exposure to natural sunlight is important for Vitamin D. Unfortunately children do not play outside as we used to, and there is no decent place for the elderly to walk either.

As a society we need to dwell on this further

Warm Regards
